Extending the Capabilities of Active Directory Users and Computers Using VBScript

Have you ever wished that you could add functionality to the graphical tools for managing user or computer objects, but unfortunately didn’t know C++ to write the code? Even if you did had the necessary skills, you would be lucky if the Schema Admins would let you extend the schema in to utilize the new classes. The good news is that there is another way. You guessed it – VBScript to the rescue!

A while back, I needed a way to allow junior administrators the ability to modify a user attribute called employeeID. The only way they knew how to modify objects was via the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, so I did a little research and came across a method that I modified to enhance the tool’s functionality. Essentially, this solution gets Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) to call a script that allows these administrators to view or modify this hidden attribute. All these users ultimately have to do is right-click on a user object, select the Employee-ID shortcut, and then set or change its value in the pop-up dialog box that appears.

Creating the Script

The first thing to do is to write a script that handles the necessary functionality as follows:

  1. On Error Resume Next
2. Dim objemployeeID
3. Dim objUser
4. Dim objTemp
5. Set objemployeeID = Wscript.Arguments
6. Set objUser = GetObject(objemployeeID(0))
7. objTemp = InputBox("Current Employee-ID: " & objUser.employeeID & VbCrLf _

& vbCRLF & "If you would like enter a new number or modify the existing number, enter the new number in the textbox below")

8. If objTemp <> "" then objUser.Put "employeeID",objTemp
9. objUser.SetInfo
10. If Err.Number = "-2147024891" Then
11. MsgBox "You current account does not have permission" & VbCrLf _
12. & "to modify the Employee ID attribute. Please" & VbCrLf _
13. & "log on with an account with appropriate permissions.", 16, "Permission Denied"
14. End If
15. Set objUser = Nothing
16. Set objemployeeID = Nothing
17. Set objTemp = Nothing
18. WScript.Quit

(The lines are wrapped so copy and paste the script into your favorite editor for actual viewing)

Let’s briefly break the script down to review functionality:

Lines 1-4: Disable error control and declare variable names.

Line 5: Set the objemployeeID variable name to the value of the Arguments method of the WScriptobject. This variable will be used to store the information from the AD object when the menu item is selected from ADUC (covered later in the article).

Line 6: Bind the objUser variable name to the user object instantiated in Line 5.

Line 7: Use an InputBox constant to hold input and assign it to the objTemp variable name.

Line 8: Check to see if input exists for objTemp and assign that value to the employeeID attribute of the user object if the value is not NULL.

Line 9: Commit the changes to the user object.

Lines 10-14: Error handling in case the admin does not have permissions to modify the employeeID attribute of the user object.

Lines 15-18: Script cleanup and closure.

Next we need save the script (we’ll call it employeeID.vbs) and place it in a location that will be accessible by anyone who launches it when the ADUC menu item is selected. The NETLOGON share is a good location for this since everyone has read access to this share to run logon scripts. You can also create your own share on another server and ACL it accordingly to hold the script should you prefer.

Modifying the Active Directory Users and Computers Shortcut Menu

Now that we have the script created, we need a way to call it from the ADUC GUI. To do this we will need to edit the Properties of the user-Display object. The following steps will facilitate this functionality:

  1. Open ADSI Edit (located in the Support Tools folder of the Windows Server 2003 CD)
  2. Expand the CN=Configuration node and navigate to CN=DisplaySpecifiers, CN=409. Select the 409 node in the left hand pane.
  3. In the right-hand pane, select the CN=user-Display object. Right click and select Properties.
  4. Select the adminContextMenu attribute and click Edit.
  5. We now need to add the value that will be used to create the additional menu item and direct it to the employeeID.vbs script. The syntax is very important. Be sure to include the comma at the beginning and after the menu name (Employee-ID). Add the following syntax to the Value to Add: line:
  6. Change the servername and sharename items to reflect your current environment and then click Add.
  7. Click OK to accept the changes and close ADSI Edit.
  8. Allow some time for replication to populate the changes throughout the directory.
  9. Open ADUC and select a user. Right click on the user and notice the new menu item now available.
  10. Select Employee-ID to launch the script from within the ADUC
  11. From here we can either enter a new value for the employeeID attribute for the user or hit Cancel to leave the current value intact. (Note: If no value is present in the field, then the attribute value is empty for that user.)

That’s it; we have extended the schema functionality to expose a hidden attribute for editing via the ADUC interface using VBScript. If the popup is not visible, be sure replication has occurred and double check that the path given in ADSI Edit is valid.

This opens up almost endless possibilities for modifications without knowledge of C++ or advanced coding languages that will enhance functionality of the ADUC snap-in for your administrators. The script code:

On Error Resume Next
Dim objemployeeID
Dim objUser
Dim objTemp
Set objemployeeID = Wscript.Arguments
Set objUser = GetObject(objemployeeID(0))
objTemp = InputBox("Current Employee-ID: " & objUser.employeeID & VbCrLf _
& vbCRLF & "If you would like enter a new number or modify the existing number, enter the new number in the textbox below")
if objTemp <> "" then objUser.Put "employeeID",objTemp
If Err.Number = "-2147024891" Then
MsgBox "You current account does not have permission" & VbCrLf _
& "to modify the Employee ID attribute. Please" & VbCrLf _
& "log on with an account with appropriate permissions.", 16, "Permission Denied"
End If
Set objUser = Nothing
Set objemployeeID = Nothing
Set objTemp = Nothing