Before getting into the bigger details, know that Windows 2000 supports the FAT, FAT32 and NTFS file systems. You can convert FAT or FAT32 to NTFS using the Convert.exe program. There is no utility provided to convert NTFS to either FAT or FAT32.
Disks Management is an area that has changed significantly from NT 4. First of all, there are now two types of hard disk storage configuration – Basic and Dynamic. The two differ in capabilities as well as terminology, so it is important to keep things straight. A Basic disk is the traditional disk type from NT 4 (as w ell as 95, 98, etc). A Basic disk is divided into partitions (3 primary + 1 extended containing logicals, or 4 primaries maximum), and can be accessed by other operating systems, using the information stored in the master boot record (MBR). In Windows 2000, a Basic disk can contain existing RAID 0, 1, or 5 sets created in NT 4 (or previous versions) as well as volumes sets. However, none of these can be newly created under Windows 2000 if you are using Basic disks – they may only exist if the system has been upgraded from NT (you can however repair a failed RAID set, even on a Basic disk).