This is where things get tricky. I have created a very simple script called logon.vbs and have saved it to my desktop, just to make it easy to find. If you click the add button shown above, you can browse to the script, and add any script parameters if necessary. If I browse to my desktop and select the file, however, it will not be applied correctly. The script needs to be stored in the GP T in order to function. In order to put it into the GPT folder, I need to find the folder – not only is this difficult, it is nearly impossible. In my case, the folder where the script needs to be stored is found at the following path:
Would I have found that on my own? Probably not. Because of this, an easier method is to choose the ‘Show Files’ button found on the Logon Properties box. If I click that button, it will open the folder above, and then I can simply cut-and-paste the logon script into this correct folder. Follow that up by clicking the Add button, which will automatically open to the correct GPT folder when you use the browse function. Choose the file just copied, click OK twice, and you’re set – the script is now in the correct location to be assigned to users when they log in.
Using Group Policy to assign scripts is the recommended method in Windows 2000. Not only does it make script assignment flexible, it also saves an administrator considerable time and energy. I suggest that you kiss the properties of a user account goodbye, and live a little with Group Policy script settings.