Submit a Site – Add URL

Interested in exchanging links? We’re always interested in exchanging links with relevant, useful web sites. You can use the form below to submit a URL for consideration, but before you do, please read the following:

1. We will not add or exchange links with sites that are off-topic or not relevant to our readers. Please don’t bother submitting links that have nothing to do with the materials covered on this site. Any such requests will be ignored.

1a. If your site is designed to manipulate search results (ie, a link farm) please don’t bother asking for a link. It won’t happen.

2. If you submit a site for consideration, please also include the tutorial category (from that you feel would be most appropriate for your site. A list of our categories can be found on the left-hand side of every page. We’re in the process of redesigning our external links such that they always appear within relevant category pages (rather than on a single, general “Links” page.

3. In the spirit of community, we ask that you place a return link to on your site. We also ask that the return link not be “cloaked” using techniques such as javascript and the like. If your return link is formatted in anything other than a standard HTML link tags, please don’t expect us to add a link back to your site. Please include the URL where a link back to our site will be added in your message below.

4. Please be reasonable – it may take a day or six for us to get back to you. Believe it or not, there’s nobody sitting here waiting for your email to arrive! That said, we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
