Installing SQL Server 2000

Security is a big issue and will take one or two articles to examine in more detail. For now it is only important to understand the two modes of authentication.

Select “Windows Authentication Mode” and click Next.

14. Another important decision you have to make is the default collation. There are three parts to the collation setting:

  • Character Set
  • Sort Order
  • Case Sensitivity

The character set specifies what ASCII code page will be used. ASCII (pronounced “ask-ee”) code pages contain the codes (numbers 0 through 255) that correspond to the appropriate characters. For example, the ASCII code for the letter A is 65. Characters 0 through 127 are called the “Standard ASCII Set” and are the same from one code page to another. The character codes 128 through 255 are in the “Extended ASCII Set” and will varied between different code pages. Take a look at ASCII code pages 1252 and 437.

There are two major types of sort orders: Dictionary and Binary. You have seen a Dictionary sort order before if you have ever used a dictionary. Just like in a dictionary, Dictionary sort order arranges the data in alphabetical order. When you use a dictionary sort it’s simple to predict in what order your data will be returned to you.

Binary sorts, on the other hand, are a little more complicated to understand and predict. A binary sort is preformed on the numbers that make up the ASCII letters. Binary sorts can return results that are not always expected because the numbers that make up ASCII codes are not in dictionary order. However the benefit of a binary sort order is its fast speed.

Case sensitivity comes into play when you start to make comparisons. For example, if you had a statement that was looking for the word “trainers” and you used a collation that was case-insensitive; “Trainers”, “TRAINERS”, and “TrAiNeRs” would all be returned. If you used a case-sensitive collation only “trainers” would be returned.

Now that you understand what makes up a collation lets look at the settings available on the collation setup screen. You can choose to use Windows’ Locale settings to set the collation or use a SQL Server Collation. By using Windows’ Locales you use the Collation information that is provided by the operating system. SQL Collations are provided for compatibility when you need to interact with older SQL Servers or upgrade a database.

Just remember that you are only setting the default for the server. You can select another collation for each database, or even each table, individually.

Select “SQL Server Collations, Dictionary order, case-insensitive, for use with 1252 Character Set.”, and click Next.

15. Selecting the Network Libraries is one of the last decisions you need to make. In order for clients to access the SQL Server, the Server and Clients must be using a compatible protocol. The decision on which protocols you will use will depend on what type of clients you are serving and what network protocols you use on your network. Note that Named Pipes are only available on Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000. We will discuss the Named Pipes and TCP/IP Network Libraries in more depth later in this series.

Keep the default settings and click Next.

16. The installation now informs us that it has enough information and can continue. Note that if you need to go back and change anything you must do so now. Once you click Next you will be unable to go back.

Click Next to continue the installation.

17. We must now choose from one of the two licensing modes:

  • Per Seat – Requires a SQL license and a Client Access License (CAL) for each device that accesses the SQL Server.
  • Processor License – Requires a license for each processor SQL Server will use.