Basic Linux Shell Scripting Part 3

In this 3rd and final article in my Shell Scripting series we will study, through example, methods of creating simple useful shell scripts. Some of the topics I will cover will be review of the previous two articles, others will cover some new things. The idea is to take what you have already learned and begin applying it to real world situations.

What do I create my scripts in?

Writing your own shell scripts requires you to know the very basic everyday Linux commands. For example, you should know how to copy, move, create new files, etc. The one thing you must know how to do is to use a text editor. There are three major text editors in Linux, vi, emacs and pico. If you are not familiar with vi or emacs, go for pico or some other easy to use text editor.

CAUTION: It is critical that you take care to not perform any scripting functions as the root user. To avoid this simply type the following commands:

Adduser scriptuser
Passwd scriptuser
su scriptuser

This will create a user that you can dedicate to running scripts.

Your First BASH Program

Our first program will be the classical “Hello World” program. Yes, if you have programmed before, you must be sick of this by now. However, this is traditional, and who am I to change tradition? The “Hello World” program simply prints the words “Hello World” to the screen. So fire up your text editor, and type the following inside it:

echo "Hello World"

The first line tells Linux to use the bash interpreter to run this script. In this case, bash is in the /bin directory. If bash is in a different directory on your system, make the appropriate changes to the line. Explicitly specifying the interpreter is very important, so be sure you do it as it tells Linux which interpreter to use to run the instructions in the script. The next thing to do is to save the script. We will call it With that done, you need to make the script executable:

shell$ chmod 700 ./

shell$ ./
Hello World

There it is! Your first program! Boring and useless as it is, this is how everyone starts out. Just remember the process here. Write the code, save the file, and make it executable with chmod.

A More Useful Program

We will write a program that will move all files into a directory, and then delete the directory along with its contents, and then recreate the directory. This can be done with the following commands:

shell$ mkdir trash
shell$ mv * trash
shell$ rm -rf trash
shell$ mkdir trash

Instead of having to type all that interactively on the shell, write a shell program instead:

mkdir trash
mv * trash
rm -rf trash
mkdir trash
echo "Deleted all files!"

Save it as and now all you have to do is to run and it moves all files to a directory, deletes them, recreates the directory, and even prints a message telling you that it successfully deleted all files. So remember, if you find that you are doing something that takes a while to type over and over again, consider automating it with a shell program. You may notice that this is very similar to batch file programming under DOS. In fact, UNIX shells scripts are the grandfather of Batch files.


Comments help to make your code more readable. They do not affect the output of your program. They are specially made for you to read. All comments in bash begin with the hash symbol: “#”, except for the first line (#!/bin/bash). The first line is not a comment. Any lines after the first line that begin with a “#” is a comment. Take the following piece of code:

# this program counts from 1 to 10:
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
echo $i

Even if you do not know bash scripting, you immediately know what the above program does, because of the comment. It is good practice to make use of comments. You will find that if you need to maintain your programs in the future, having comments will make things easier.


Variables are basically “boxes” that hold values. You will want to create variables for many reasons. You will need it to hold user input, arguments, or numerical values. Take for instance the following piece of code:

echo "The value of variable x is $x"

What you have done here, is to give x the value of 12. The line echo “The value of variable x is $x” prints the current value of x. When you define a variable, it must not have any whitespace in between the assignment operator: “=”. Here is the syntax:


The values of variables can be accessed by prefixing the variable name with a dollar symbol: “$”. As in the above, we access the value of x by using echo $x.

There are two types of variables. Local variables, and environmental variables. Environmental variables are set by the system and can usually be found by using the env command. Environmental variables hold special values. For instance, if you type:

shell$ echo $SHELL

You get the name of the shell you are currently running. Environmental variables are defined in /etc/profile and ~/.bash_profile. The echo command is good for checking the current value of a variable, environmental, or local. If you are still having problems understanding why we need variables, here is a good example:

echo "The value of x is 12."
echo "I have 12 pencils."
echo "He told me that the value of x is 12."
echo "I am 12 years old."
echo "How come the value of x is 12?"

Okay, now suppose you decide that you want the value of x to be 8 instead of 12. What do you do? You have to change all the lines of code where it says that x is 12. But wait… there are other lines of code with the number 12. Should you change those too? No, because they are not associated with x. Confusing right? Now, here is the same example, only it is using variables:

x=12 # assign the value 12 to variable x
echo "The value of x is $x."
echo "I have 12 pencils."
echo "He told me that the value of x is $x."
echo "I am 12 years old."
echo "How come the value of x is $x?"

Here, we see that $x will print the current value of variable x, which is 12. So now, if you wanted to change the value of x to 8, all you have to do, is to change the line x=12 to x=8, and the program will automatically change all the lines with $x to show 8, instead of 12. The other lines will be unaffected. Variables have other important uses as well, as you will see later on.

Control Structures

Control structures allow your program to make decisions and to make them more compact. More importantly as well, it allows us to check for errors. So far, all we have done is write programs that start from the top, and go all the way to the bottom until there are no more commands left in the program to run. For instance:

cp /etc/foo .
echo "Done."

This little shell program, call it, copies a file called /etc/foo into the current directory and prints “Done” to the screen. This program will work, under one condition. You must have a file called /etc/foo. Otherwise here is what happens:

shell$ ./
cp: /etc/foo: No such file or directory

So you can see, there is a problem. Not everyone who runs your program will have /etc/foo in their system. It would perhaps be better if your program checked if /etc/foo existed, and then if it did, it would proceed with the copying, otherwise, it would quit. In pseudo code, this is what it would look like:

if /etc/code exists, then
copy /etc/code to the current directory
print "Done." to the screen.
print "This file does not exist." to the screen

Can this be done in bash? Of course! The collection of bash control structures are, if, while, until, for and case. Each structure is paired, meaning it starts with a starting “tag” and ends with an ending “tag”. For instance, the if structure starts with if, and ends with fi. Control structures are not programs found in your system. They are a built in feature of bash. Meaning that from here on, you will be writing your own code, and not just embedding programs into your shell program.

if … else … elif … fi

One of the most common structures is the if structure. This allows your program to make decisions, like, “do this if this conditions exists, else, do something else”. To use the if structure effectively, we must make use of the test command. test checks for conditions, that is, existing files, permissions, or similarities and differences. Here is a rewrite on

if test -f /etc/foo
# file exists, so copy and print a message.
cp /etc/foo .
echo "Done."
# file does NOT exist, so we print a message and exit.
echo "This file does not exist."

Notice how we indent lines after then and else. Indenting is optional, but it makes reading the code much easier in a sense that we know which lines are executed under which condition. Now run the program. If you have /etc/foo, then it will copy the file, otherwise, it will print an error message. test checks to see if the file /etc/foo exists. The -f checks to see if the argument is a regular file. Here is a list of test’s options:

-d check if the file is a directory
-e check if the file exists
-f check if the file is a regular file
-g check if the file has SGID permissions
-r check if the file is readable
-s check if the file’s size is not 0
-u check if the file has SUID permissions
-w check if the file is writeable
-x check if the file is executable

else is used when you want your program to do something else if the first condition is not met. There is also the elif which can be used in place of another if within the if. Basically elif stands for “else if”. You use it when the first condition is not met, and you want to test another condition.

If you find that you are uncomfortable with the format of the if and test structure, that is:

if test -f /etc/foo

then, you can do it like this:

if [ -f /etc/foo ]; then

The square brackets form test. If you have experience in C programming, this syntax might be more comfortable. Notice that there has to be white space surrounding both square brackets. The semicolon: “;” tells the shell that this is the end of the command. Anything after the semicolon will be run as though it is on a separate line. This makes it easier to read basically, and is of course, optional. If you prefer, just put then on the next line.

When using variables with test, it is a good idea to have them surrounded with quotation marks. Example:

if [ “$name” -eq 5 ]; then

while … do … done

The while structure is a looping structure. Basically what it does is, “while this condition is true, do this until the condition is no longer true”. Let us look at an example:

while true; do
echo "Press CTRL-C to quit."

true is actually a program. What this program does is continuously loop over and over without stopping. Using true is considered to be slow because your shell program has to call it up first and then run it. You can use an alternative, the “:” command:

while :; do
echo "Press CTRL-C to quit."

This achieves the exact same thing, but is faster because it is a built in feature in bash. The only difference is you sacrifice readability for speed. Use whichever one you feel more comfortable with. Here is perhaps, a much more useful example, using variables:

x=0; # initialize x to 0
while [ "$x" -le 10 ]; do
echo "Current value of x: $x"
# increment the value of x:
x=$(expr $x + 1)
sleep 1

As you can see, we are making use of the test (in its square bracket form) here to check the condition of the variable x. The option -le checks to see if x is less than, or equal to the value 10. In English, the code above says, “While x is less than 10 or equal to 10, print the current value of x, and then add 1 to the current value of x.”. sleep 1 is just to get the program to pause for one second. You can remove it if you want. As you can see, what we were doing here was testing for equality. Check if a variable equals a certain value, and if it does, act accordingly. Here is a list of equality tests:

Checks equality between numbers:
x -eq y Check is x is equals to y
x -ne y Check if x is not equals to y
x -gt y Check ifx is greater than y
x -lt y Check if x is less than y

Checks equality between strings:
x = y Check if x is the same as y
x != y Check if x is not the same as y
-n x Evaluates to true if x is not null
-z x Evaluates to true if x is null.

The above looping script we wrote should not be hard to understand, except maybe for this line:

x=$(expr $x + 1)

The comment above it tells us that it increments x by 1. But what does $(…) mean? Is it a variable? No. In fact, it is a way of telling the shell that you want to run the command expr $x + 1, and assign its result to x. Any command enclosed in $(…) will be run:

echo "I am $me."

Try it and you will understand what I mean. The above code could have been written as follows with equivalent results:

echo "I am $(whoami)."

You decide which one is easier for you to read. There is another way to run commands or to give variables the result of a command. This will be explained later on. For now, use $(…).

until … do … done

The until structure is very similar to the while structure. The only difference is that the condition is reversed. The while structure loops while the condition is true. The until structure loops until the condition is true. So basically it is “until this condition is true, do this”. Here is an example:

until [ "$x" -ge 10 ]; do
echo "Current value of x: $x"
x=$(expr $x + 1)
sleep 1

This piece of code may look familiar. Try it out and see what it does. Basically, until will continue looping until x is either greater than, or equal to 10. When it reaches the value 10, the loop will stop. Therefore, the last value printed for x will be 9.

for … in … do … done

The for structure is used when you are looping through a range of variables. For instance, you can write up a small program that prints 10 dots each second:

echo -n "Checking system for errors"
for dots in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do
echo -n "."
echo "System clean."

In case you do not know, the -n option to echo prevents a new line from automatically being added. Try it once with the -n option, and then once without to see what I mean. The variable dots loops through values 1 to 10, and prints a dot at each value. Try this example to see what I mean by the variable looping through the values:

for x in paper pencil pen; do
echo "The value of variable x is: $x"
sleep 1

When you run the program, you see that x will first hold the value paper, and then it will go to the next value, pencil, and then to the next value, pen. When it finds no more values, the loop ends.

Here is a much more useful example. The following program adds a .html extension to all files in the current directory:

for file in *; do
echo "Adding .html extension to $file..."
mv $file $file.html
sleep 1

If you do not know, * is a wild card character. It means, “everything in the current directory”, which is in this case, all the files in the current directory. All files in the current directory are then given a .html extension. Recall that variable file will loop through all the values, in this case, the files