Installing an IIS Web Server on Windows XP Professional

In order to get your Windows XP Professional system up and running as a Web server, you’ll need to install the necessary components of IIS from the Add/Remove Windows Components section of the Add or Remove Programs applet in Control Panel. In strict terms, IIS includes a number of components, of which a Web server (known as the World Wide Web service) is just one. Other subcomponents of IIS include the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service, the SMTP Service, FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions (which allows you to “publish” FrontPage 2000 webs), documentation files, and the IIS MMC snap-in. Some of these additional subcomponents are required and installed automatically as part of adding the World Wide Web Service to your system, while others are option. When installing a Web server, make a point of including the FTP Service and documentation files at a minimum, along with the FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions if you plan on creating a managing a Web in FrontPage.

The Web server installation process is remarkably straightforward. As long as you have your Windows XP Professional CD or source files available, all you need to do if check off the necessary subcomponent checkboxes in the Internet Information Services (IIS) section of the Windows Components Wizard, and you’re off to the races. Once the installation process is complete, you have a fully functioning Web server up and running on your system, albeit one not customized or configured. The steps below provides instructions on installing the necessary IIS components to get your Web server up and running.

Step 1: Click Start and then click Control Panel. Double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon, and then click Add/Remove Windows Components. This will open the Windows Components Wizard.

Step 2: In the Components section, click on Internet Information Services (IIS) and then click the Details button. This will open a list of the Subcomponents of Internet Information Services (IIS).

Step 3: In the Subcomponents of Internet Information Services (IIS) section, check the following checkboxes: World Wide Web Service, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service, and Documentation. Other checkboxes will be filled automatically.

Step 4: Click on World Wide Web Service and click Details. This will provide a list of the Subcomponents of the World Wide Web Service that will be installed. Click on each to view its description, and then click OK.

Step 5: Click OK to close the Internet Information Services (IIS) dialog box. Notice that the Internet Information Services (IIS) checkbox is now checked, but filled in gray. This means that only some subcomponents have been selected. Click Next.

Step 6: When prompted, insert your Windows XP Professional CD, or browse to the location of your source files. This will copy the IIS installation files to your system. Once the Windows Components Wizard is complete, click Finish.

Author: Dan DiNicolo

Dan DiNicolo is a freelance author, consultant, trainer, and the managing editor of He is the author of the CCNA Study Guide found on this site, as well as many books including the PC Magazine titles Windows XP Security Solutions and Windows Vista Security Solutions. Click here to contact Dan.