The IIS Web Site tab includes core information about the Web site, including the IP address on which the server will respond to requests (all by default), the TCP port associated with the site (80 by default), connection timeout settings, and whether logging is enabled. If you want to change the default port number on which your site handles requests, change it from this page. For example, some users will choose a different port number (such as 8080) for security purposes, especially with a site that is not meant to be accessed by the general public. When changed, a user will need to supply the port number as part of the URL typed in a Web browser, for example http://localhost:8080. If your Web site will be accessible to the public, leave the site set to use TCP port 80.
The Default Web Site is configured to log all access requests by default. Ultimately, this allows an administrator to periodically review the logs to check who has been connecting to the site and when, as well as which resources they have been accessing. By clicking on the Properties button on the Web Sites tab, you can configure how often new log files are creates, the types of information that will be logged, and how the files will be named.
The ISAPI Filters tab is used to install DLL files, which are called by the server during an HTTP request. ISAPI Filters are typically used to define custom authentication methods, or configure compression, encryption, and traffic analysis features. Most home Web server users won’t use these features so we won’t get into them in detail here. For more information on these filters, perform a search for ISAPI on the IIS Documentation web site.