Creating Users, Contacts, and Distribution Groups

I will begin by specifying the properties that I would normally configure for a new user account, including First Name, Last Name, Username and Pre-Windows 2000 Username.


When you select Next, you will get the password screen, which will prompt you to create a password for your new user and other password options.


The next screen is where the fun begin. We are going to be prompted for the storage group where we want to store our mailbox-enabled recipients Exchange data. Depending on your version of Exchange, you might not have multiple storage groups to choose from. Only Exchange Enterprise edition supports creating multiple storage groups (you can create four storage groups per server) with each server capable of storing five stores (databases) per storage group. Exchange Standard edition only supports one storage group with five stores as well. Look for an upcoming article in this series where we will go into detail on Storage Groups and stores and the issues involved in planning, creating, and managing them in Exchange 2000.
