When I click on the change password button I should see the dialog box that you see in Figure 18. Now we just have to fill in the information as you can see in the figure. The articles specify that the username must be specified in the Domain\Username format as you can see that I have done.
In my case I am using Exchange 2000 SP3. When I got to this point I simply specified the appropriate information as required by the dialog box and it worked. It actually didn’t work when I tried to use the Domain\username setting as specified in some of the Q articles that I had read. You will want to test this setting based on the SP that you are using and educate your users appropriately.
Well that about wraps it up for this week. I do want to point out three knowledgebase articles that I found to be extremely useful in performing these tasks. I would suggest that you review them prior to attempting to configure any of the above functions. First, Q320291 explains how to configure OWA for SSL. Next I used Q279681 to configure OWA so that SSL was required. Finally, Q267596 shows us how to use the password change functionality within OWA and IIS. I hope that you find the information in this article useful. Enjoy the holidays and I will see you next time. Until then, cya!