You remember Steve, right? That’s Steve from Sales, the guy who absolutely needed access to an email that he deleted over a year ago. You probably clearly remember the hassles of having to first find and then restore his mailbox. Perhaps you even recall sifting through his messages, trying to find that single, solitary email, and dedicating a whole afternoon to the process. Not exactly a fun experience, regardless of which way you cut it.
Thankfully, things don’t have to be this way. While there’s no question that the need to store and retrieve old email messages is necessary, there are much simpler ways to go about the process if your organization is running Exchange Server 2000 or 2003. I’m talking about a product called GFI MailArchiver, an message archiving solution that makes searching through internal and external email as simple as firing up your web browser and searching for the message in question.
How it works
Without a solution like GFI MailArchiver, digging up old email messages is usually a long and arduous process that involves restoring old mailboxes and searching through messages manually. While there’s no question that different techniques exist to speed up the process, most are involved and cumbersome to say the least.