ForestPrep and DomainPrep

The same could be said for running domainprep. If you are a member of the Domain Administrators group, you wouldn’t have to run domainprep separately. By launching the installation, you will run domainprep as part of the installation process. However, there is one situation where you would want to run domainprep as a separate process. This would be the case if you wanted to have mail-enabled recipients in a domain where no Exchange 2000 server existed. In this case, you run domainprep to create the Recipient Update Service (RUS) object. This allows users in a domain where no Exchange 2000 server is installed to still take advantage of the messaging capabilities of Exchange 2000.

One last thing worth mentioning here. Exchange 2000 comes in 2 different flavors, Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition. For our purposes, we will be discussing Enterprise Edition in this series. However, I do want you to be aware of the major differences between the two, so I will enumerate them here. First of all, the Standard Edition has a database size limited to 16GB. It does not allow for multiple databases per server, and you cannot implement active/active clustering. Chat is not available as a product option, and you cannot configure a front-end/back-end configuration with Standard Edition (although the Standard Edition can act as a back-end server to an Enterprise Edition front-end server.)

Now that we have that out of the way, we are actually ready to start the installation of our first Exchange 2000 server into our organization. At this point, we have already accomplished the forestprep and domainprep portions of the installation, so the only thing that we need at this point are local administrator permissions and Exchange Full Administrator permissions to the Exchange Organization object. Of course, having the Exchange 2000 CD won’t hurt either, so let’s grab our disc and start the installation.

The first screen that we see is the Exchange 2000 spash screen that shows our different options that are available with Exchange 2000. We select setup, and then we are off and running. Of course, the first screen that we will see will be the welcome screen as follows:
