Exchange 2000 Administrative Groups

As I mentioned in the last paragraph, the creation of a new Administrative Group (Tampa, in our example) does not display a Servers container by default. However, that does not mean that one has not been created. If you open up Active Directory Sites and Services and select View, Show Services Node, you should see the following:


As you can see, the Servers container was created, but not displayed by default in the ESM. After we have installed the first server into a particular Administrative Group, then we should see the Servers container displayed. Now, lets get back to the Administrative Groups and permissions. I had mentioned permission flow, and how that was an important consideration in managing your Exchange 2000 implementation, so I want to look at assigning permissions to my two Administrative Groups through ESM. After that, we will open up ADSI Edit, a Resource Kit utility, and take a look at the Configuration Partition and the information that it contains. Here we will see how permissions flow into our Exchange organization, and hopefully this will give us a better idea of how we want to set up permissions in a distributed administrative environment. First off though, I want to get the First Administrative Group name more in order with my organizations administrative model, which happens to be location based. The Tampa Administrative Group is fine, but I want the First Administrative Group to reflect our Boston location. I will open up ADSI Edit and connect to the Configuration container by right-clicking on the ADSIEdit object, and selecting Connect To: The screen I see should look like the following:


Next, under naming context I would select Configuration Container and then select OK. My screen should look something like this: (Please note, I also have selected to view the Domain Naming Partition in this graphic; If you have not selected anything other than the Configuration Partition, you will only see one node listed under ADSI Edit).


Now all we need to do is expand out the configuration container, and you should be able to see where our Exchange Organization falls in this grand scheme.


As you can see, our Exchange 2000 Organization, 2000EXTrainers is listed on the left hand side, and over on the right we can see the container for Administrative Groups. What I am going to do now is expand the Administrative Groups, First Administrative Group, and rename that object to fit our location based administration scheme. It is a simple right-click on the First Administrative Group, and select rename, and voila, I now have a Boston Administrative Group.
