You should be aware of the fact that by running ForestPrep, you will be given the opportunity to specify an account that is going to be granted Exchange Full Administrator permissions to the root of the Exchange Organization. Another thing to be aware of is that ForestPrep should be run in the same domain as the Schema Master, which by default is the Forest Root.
Now that we have that out of the way, lets go ahead and take a look at running setup with the ForestPrep switch. At this point, we will take it as given that all the proper requirements have been met. The first thing that we will do is go to the run command, and either type or browse to get the path to the Exchange 2000 setup file. Once we have located it, we will add a space at the end, and then the /ForestPrep switch. Your run command should looking something like this:
Again, the spelling is important as we will see momentarily. The first screen that will come up after this will be the Welcome Screen, and after that we will see the License Agreement Screen, like this:
Next up is the Product Identification Screen, (he he he…sorry, no OEM numbers here!)
And then we should see Component Selection Screen:
I have highlighted the ForestPrep option to bring your attention to this screen. If you had mispelled ForestPrep when typing the command back at the beginning, ForestPrep would not be an option. In fact, what you would see would be the normal Exchange installation options, asking what Exchange components you wanted to install, and where you wanted to install them. Also, if you are not logged onto the domain, the utility will not allow you to select the ForestPrep option. Once we have dealt with all those issues, and click next, we will see the Installation Type Screen:
For our purposes today, we will be dealing with the installation of the first Exchange 2000 server into our Windows 2000 domain. In a later article, we will discuss upgrading an existing Exchange 5.5 environment, and the issues that are unique to that particular environment. As I have selected to create a New Exchange Organization, the next screen I see will prompt me for the name I want to use for my Organization. As you can see, I have selected 2000ExTrainers as the Organization name: