15. Click Insert Calculation from the flyout menu.
The Calculation dialog appears.
16. Select Subtract in the Operation selector.
17. Select 1998 in the top Category selector.
18. Select 1997 in the second Category selector (appearing under Minus:).
19. Type $ Change into the Calculation Name field.
The competed Calculation dialog appears.
20. Click OK to add the new calculated column.
The $ Change column appears.
21. Click the column axis dimension selector (Time) again.
22. Select Action > Insert Calculation again.
23. Select Divide in the Operation selector of the Calculation dialog.
24. Select $ Change in the top Category selector.
25. Select 1997 in the second Category selector (appearing under Divided by:).
26. Type % Change into the Calculation Name field.
The competed Calculation dialog appears.
27. Click OK to add the new calculated column.
The % Change column appears. The display, together with our two new calculated column additions, appears as partially shown.
Now let’s make another adjustment for readability: let’s hide the Time column, as it provides no compelling information at present.
28. Click the column axis dimension selector (Time) once more.
29. Select Action > Hide Total from the flyout menu.
The Total column disappears, while leaving the column axis dimension selector (currently displaying Time) available for manipulation. The display appears.
Let’s take a quick look at an example of the graphics capabilities within Cognos PowerPlay Web Explorer. Most of the graphics styles can be activated simply by clicking the appropriate toolbar button.
30. Click the 3-D graphic display button from the bottom toolbar of the Web Explorer display.
The resulting 3-D charts reflect the effects of our nesting Products within the Store Cities. A graphic is presented for each Store.
Keep in mind that the graphics are far from static representations; drilldown works here, as well, and can be enacted simply by clicking on the appropriate element of the chart.
Let’s return to the crosstab display we occupied previously, only this time let’s choose an indented display.
31. Click the Indented Crosstab Display button from the toolbar, to the left of the 3-D graphic button, and as displayed (alongside the regular crosstab display button).